Dienstag, 23. April 2013

Bodge Bay – Fort Ross and back

So, what I was only scratching at on Sunday, now is for real. 100% Hw Number 1 starting again from Bodega Bay and heading to Fort Ross. The reason for my decision is that there will be a drop of temperature from above 30 degrees to 25 degrees. This is due to the wind now will blow land inwards from the Sea, this in turn means that fog can form and indeed from tomorrow on of fog is expected on the coast and SF. So I thought, that I will make use of today for my first real coast ride.

Arriving in Bodega Bay I realized that the fog already was there. Not very thick but still outward on the sea the low clouds were all around.

Luckily a few miles north the weather cleared to an impeccable blue sky, however temperatures were quite low 13 degrees and I was quite happy to have taken my long sleeved jacked with me, which at first, in view of the 33 degrees of yesterday, seemed ridiculous to take with me in the first place.

First stop was Jenner, with is bay leading to the Russian River (the road along the Russian river is another ride on my schedule) which also passes at Santa Rosa and marks a famous wine region.

The scenery on this ride is plain and simple unbelievable.

On the last picture one can see the thick fog band at Bodega Baya (just at the horizon) which in the course of the day did not dissolve but keept creeping up north, which I had to experience on my way back. The last 5 Miles were in thick fog with temperatures around 10 degrees.   

With the ups and downs (which can be quite substantial) it seems like a ride in a hilly mountain region, with the tiny little difference of looking at the Pacific Ocean most of the time.

The road and the scenery are far beyond great and although I have driven this stretch several times (lucky me) by car, there is absolutely no comparison to doing it by bike. The traffic is literally non existing and the fraction compared to Sunday needs to be expressed in per mills rather than per cent. This ride is beyond my wildest dreams, no words to express.

While Bananas during the ride keep you going, the machine also needs some more refined fuel and in Bodega Bay you will get Fish and Chips, where you can bet any sum that the cod fish of which it is made of yesterday was still swimming in the ocean. 

Whereas on the quality of the chips one might discuss the fish was great and substituted some of the calories lost on the 70 km ride, which although following the cost line amounted almost to 1000 hm. 

For tomorrow I will not need to make any plans for the ride as I will join a training ride of the Santa Rosa Bike Club and only need to follow the herd. As it starts from Sabastopol at 9 o’clock in the morning (I just wonder what people have time on a Wednesday morning for some 30-50 Mile bike rides? Except me that is!) I will need to leave 815 or so. What a stress… 

Radroute 2074923 - powered by Bikemap 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ciao Oli ma le tue vacanze sono un tour....le foto sono magnifiche ti seguirò in questo viaggio....
    un grande abbraccio

  2. Ciao Christina,

    La tua email mi ha fatto grande piacere. Questo è il mio primo Blog ed è piuttosto inteso come “Diario” o “Memento” per me stesso ed anche per far partecipare famiglia ed amichi a casa. Cosi sono felice se interessa anche altre persone.

    Tanti saluti, Oliver

    Scusa il mio italiano piuttosto "improvvisato". Sfortunatamente io l’uso troppo poco . Forse dovrei fare la prossima volta un viaggio ed un blog "Cycling Tuscany".
